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WebDataXpress (WDX)

WebDataXpress (WDX) is a proprietary program developed by the Office of Academic Computing (OAC). The WDX system is compatible with all major web browsers and is used to securely collect self-reports and clinician-rated assessments in over 150 research projects. Moreover, our library boasts over 2,500 different assessment forms that are commonly used by researchers and can easily be implemented into new projects. Contact us to receive a quote for your specific project.

WebDataXpress (WDX) services we offer include the following:

  • Customized online recruitment, screening, and consent forms
  • Free, customizable, web-based data entry system which interfaces directly with your database
  • HIPAA compliant and pre-approved by the IRB
  • Secure and encrypted with “one-way” data entry
  • Used throughout the Department of Psychiatry in both research and clinical settings
  • Compatible with mobile devices with intuitive design and formatting
  • Comprehensive data tracking and auditing – absolutely no data lost
  • Seamless restoration of assessment progress if connection is lost, data entry is interrupted, or anything else limits progress
  • Easily implemented and customizable “pestering” system that prompts participant one time for missing data
  • Dynamic branching, verbiage, and navigation based on previously collected data (not limited to gender, marital status, or age)
  • WDX demonstration is available