To remotely access Pitt computers, you will use the Remote Desktop Connection icon in the Psychiatry AVD pool. This is similar to using Remote Desktop from UPMC MyApps.
Please see this page for adding the Psychiatry AVD pool
If you do not see the icon after adding the Psychiatry AVD pool to your Remote Desktop App, please contact our team directly to request access to Remote Desktop.
1. Double click on the "Remote Desktop Connection" icon.
2. Enter your Pitt account and password to continue.
3. Allow the app to start. This may take up to 5 minutes in some cases.
4. Enter the computer name you would like to connect to when prompted.
5. If you need to change the resolution or change how many monitors the connection uses, click "Show Options" and adjust settings in the "Display" tab.
6. After you are done, close the connection by clicking the X on the connection bar at the top of your screen.